Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 100: The End!

Day 100:  Today, the saga of Woody and Maggie ends.  I never would have dreamed that I could get so involved in a silly little story about a dog and her toy.
I thank all of you who took the time to read and comment on the posts.  Somehow, the story grew and grew and began to take on a life of it's own and strangely, seemed to have a good number of followers.  There's nothing like walking into a room full of people and having at least 3 people ask "How's Woody?"  
I thank my children for keeping their comments to themselves, and am especially proud to say that the sole comment from my daughter Sara (the graphic designer) was, "compelling graphics, Mom."
I discovered some things about myself and people in general during this endeavor.

1. Posting an image of an injured dog toy on Facebook gets a lot of likes...almost as many as posting a picture of your grandchild.
2.  I learned how to create a blog, although I have forgotten how to spell.
3. I never knew I had so many bird-related items laying around, and am not so sure the story could have gone this far if the original dog toy had been a sheep.
4. I began to notice some people were trying desperately to avoid any reference to the Woody and Maggie story, as it was some sort of malady I was trying to work through for myself.

Regardless, it was a fun experience and a tad like having a part time job.  Don't be surprised if a silly update about Woody, Maggie or Rita surfaces, but not on a regular basis.
Again, I thank you all!  I know I will miss them.

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